Thursday, September 24, 2009


1st project of 1st Year 1st Sem

My very 1st Project is painting via wet media
This is my 1st time using acrylic, accidentally found out it very suit my style.. hehe..

Topic: Environmental Art
Environmental art emerged in the 1960’s in response to the environmental movement. Its intent is to facilitate a sustainable balance between human and non-human nature through restoration, education, and multi-disciplinary collaboration. In a general sense, it is art that helps improve our relationship with the natural world. Environmental arts hold great potential as tolls of environmental education and restoration. Environmental art is an art which observes and interacts with the (usually natural) environment. It interprets nature, creating artworks that inform us about nature and its processes, or about environmental problems we face.

Karla Muray as presedence study of painting technique..

My painting includes 2 main items: tropical rainforest and rafflesia.

The first concept is about the appreciation of our mother earth. So, I try to bring out comfortable feeling in a rainforest.
  • The green colour of leave can make our eyes feel comfort and the environment in rainforest can rejuvenate our mind.
  • Also, the oxygen is released and carbon dioxide is absorbed by the green plants through photosynthesis. So, we'll feel cool and comfort inside the forest.The tall trees of rainforest block most of the sunlight and warmness of sun.

The second concept is about the environmental problem that all folks face these day. In order to create public awareness, the extinction of rafflesia, the greatest flower will brought out indirectly about deforestation.
  • Rafflesia is discovered very deep in Indonesia rainforest by Dr Joseph Arnold in 1818. It seems to be a secret because nobody knows about it before the discovery.
  • It can be found in rainforest in our country and this make Malaysians feel proud as the greatest flowers exist in our country too.
  • However, deforestation is the main reason in destroying the habitat of rafflesia and yet, these great flowers begin to extinct.

the process..
final product
the appreciation and awareness of the nature were created through the loneliness of rafflesia

1 comment:

  1. art is a dream but architecture is a reality..

    the outside world in malaysia tends to say that we are dreamer...
